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Creative Writing

mainichi.jp Where is the diamond? Who stole it? One week after the diamond was stolen, a man who had the 50 carat loose diamond was arrested at Haneda airport just before he escaped to XX. He was a cleaning staff at Pacifico Yokohama. Last…


The reasons why I started playing golf I have started golfing since I moved to XX this September. Firstly, golfing can promote both mental and physical health. We walk a long distance in fresh air thinking about how to hit a ball to the ta…

Could you please 〜?

丁寧な言い方はどんな時でも心がけたいですね。 英語で丁寧な言い方、絶対に相手を不快にさせない言い方ー「〜してくれませんか?」は、Could you please 〜?で言ってみましょう。 Could you 〜please? と、センテンスの最後にpleaseを入れても良いです。 …