Feel English!


in hindsight- たられば、後になって考えてみれば


もし、もし、もし、if, if,if



Hindsight(in hindsight)


In hindsight, I probably should not have said the comment.

In hindsight, I should have taken the job.

Feel English!

excuse - 言い訳

Excuse me⤵️は、

Excuse me⤴️?は、

Excuse(s) は、

I made up excuses not to go to the party tonight.

A: Why didn't you start working on your home work sooner? It's due tomorrow!
B: Because I had to go help my friends, my dog needed to go for a walk, I wanted to watch YouTube and....
A: Don't make excuses! You must start working on it now!
B: Ok...

Feel English!

That’s not the end of the world! - don’t worry!



”That's not the end of the world.”


"Don't worry!"


A: Oh no..I forgot to bring my wallet.
B: Oh well. That's not the end of the world. I'll pay for everything for you today.


Feel English!

vulnerable - 弱い、攻撃を受けやすい、被害を受けやすい

オーストラリアでは、医療従事者、フィットネスインストラクター、教師や講師、ボランティアなどなど、人と関わる仕事に就く場合 registration to work with vulnerable people のカード(証明書)の提出を求められます。一時学校で臨時講師をさせてもらった時、公的な機関でこの登録カードをもらいに行きました。

Registration to work with vulnerable people

このカード(証明書)は、警察などで事件を起こしていないか、などの身元調査 back ground check が行われ、何も問題がない場合のみ、発行されます。これを学校などに提出し、初めて雇用が成立するという制度です。

Vulnerable ですが、日本語でいうと、社会的弱者(vulnerable people)についての記事などで良く使われる単語かなと思います。

プロレスなどの状況で、弱いプロレスラーには、vulnerable は使わないです。それはweakで良いと思います。

Vulnerable people の中には、障害者、女性、子供、移民 等が含まれます。


Feel English!

Assignment - The lost diamond


I am the owner of the company providing the lost diamond and the only person who knows the true story…


3 days before the starting day of the jewelry exhibition, I got incredibly upset because we haven’t received the diamond. In our schedule, the diamond should have been delivered from my branch company in Europe on that day but the flight was cancelled due to a terrible weather. This exhibition was a big chance for me… I couldn’t  miss it… So I decided to exhibit the imitation instead until the real diamond arrived.

“ It’s only one day..no one can distinguish whether it’s an imitation or not. It looks so real. Maybe it’s not a big problem after all.” I thought.


On that Wednesday, the 1st day of the exhibition I received the real diamond at last.

I planned to replace the diamond secretly just before the exhibition closed at 5 pm.


“Now!!” I said to myself.


I unlocked the showcase and took the imitation out and then..

I heard someone coming so I quickly ran away! 


I failed to put the real diamond into the showcase.


It became a big news and the police started searching for it.


Please…someone please let me know what should I do next..

Assignment - The lost diamond


She works for a cosmetics company. On that day, she visited a cosmetics exhibition on  products’ development in Yokohama.


There, an international jewel exhibition was being held beside it. There was also an event to honor the celebrity’s best dresser award and people were crowded to see the popular celebrities.


By looking at the celebrities, who are dressed gorgeously and surrounded by lots of people, she was overwhelmed. She felt sad about herself working so hard that she couldn’t care about her appearance at all. She was always exhausted.

She didn’t want to stay there so she went to the area displaying jewelry.


There were few people at the jewelry exhibition probably due to the celebrity’s event.

Then, the beautiful 50 carat diamond caught her eyes. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw a salesperson returning the diamond after showing it to the customer, and then running to the crowd without locking the showcase. No one was around her.. 


For a while, she hid herself behind a pillar and took her mask out from the bag. She put it on her face not for protecting from epidemic virus.


After confirming the position of the security camera, she slowly started to walk towards the showcase..



Assignment: The lost diamond


There is a couple that lives in France. They were classmates at art school.

They happened to find the advertisement of the jewelry exhibition in Yokohama. They were attracted to the 50 carat diamond, so they went to Yokohama to see the diamond. It’s shining and dazzling. They admired the diamond for a while. And then, they saw the showcase was unlocked.


The next minute, they noticed they were in a hotel room with the diamond.


They decided to take it home in France because they wanted to make an Oscar statuette with the diamond. His aunt was an actress who was dreaming of winning an Academy Award but she died 5 years ago.  His aunt loved him when he was a child. So he wanted to make an Oscar statuette for his aunt.





Assignment: The lost diamond


The criminals that stole this diamond were assumed members of a foreign gang. Probably there were someone pulling strings behind the scene.


That night,  there was a taxi stopped outside of the building. The taxi driver caught sight of the gang attempting to drive a van and escape in a hurry. The taxi driver suspected that something had happened. So he followed the van and observed. Meanwhile, he called the police. Soon the van arrived at the harbor and the group boarded a ship. At that time, the driver noticed that the van’s driver was his son whom he has lost contact for a long time. He was determined to let his son go. So when the police arrived at the harbor, he didn’t tell them the truth.


The criminals got away with the diamond.




Assignment: The lost diamond




In fact, the incident was planned by a woman who just was released from prison. She had planned it for the last 6 months.


She gathered 3 women. She appointed one of the women to steal, another one to unlock, and another one to reshape a jewel.


They did what they planned and succeeded.


After the stolen diamond was reshaped, they sold it to the pawnshop in town.


They got a lot of money and shared it.




woody woodpecker が言えなかった過去

昔、wood がちゃんと発音できなくて日本に帰ろうかと悩みました。

"キツツキ" woodpecker の発音が変だと夫から指摘されたのが原因です。

さらに、2回もwoodが出てくる愛くるしいキャラクター、"Woody Woodpecker " の発音は、とても難しく…自己嫌悪。


Woody Woodpecker(笑)


Woody Woodpecker …

Feel English!

chock a block - チョコブロック❓it means full...

私はホテルの予約担当をしていました。そこで良く聞いた チョコブロック フル (Choco block full と、🍫ブロックと聞こえた💦)という言い方。


チョコレートのことだとずっと思っていましたがそうではなくて、chock a block と書き、意味は、extremely full, jammed, crowded でした。

そしてオーストラリアでは、chock a block をさらに省略して、Chockers, Chocka! とも言います。

It was chock a block last night at the pub.

混んでる様子を見て、Chocka! または、Chockers! と、叫ぶ。


Feel English!

assume - 憶測する



"I assumed that's what happened. It was my mistake. "


"Do you know what assume means? "
"It means ass you and me. "


Assume は、憶測するという意味ですが、それは、

20代そこそこの私は、それ以来、assume は、職場では一切使いませんでしたし、assumeすることをしないようにしました。


Feel English!