Feel English!



Creative Writing

mainichi.jp On that day, a girl was at Pacifico Yokohama with her mother. Around 5 pm, her mother met her friend and they began talking. The girl was very bored. A few minutes later, she found a jewelry shop so she went inside. There were …

育児放棄⁉️Oh no...

我が家に巣を作った白と灰色の鳩のカップルですが、、、 衝撃的なタイトルで恐縮ですが、、、 They abandoned their nest! The pegions left their eggs unattended! The pegions are gone! The pegions disappeared! The pegions vanished! 《全てほぼ同…


Today I would like to talk to you about “Why I love rabbits.” There are three reasons. Firstly, when I was a child, I had two baby rabbits. My mother also liked them. Secondly, they are so smart. Everyone probably doesn’t think so but rabb…


ビジネスメールでも良く使われる、ASAP。 "As Soon As Possible"の略。 《出来るだけ早く》 という意味です。 ASAP (エイエスエイピー) と、そのまま言ったりもします。 I'll call you ASAP. 出来るだけ早く電話します。 I'll deal with it ASAP. 出来るだけ…


Kimonos are traditional Japanese clothing. kimonos mean a lot to me. There are 3 reasons why kimonos are so special. Firstly, to me, Kimono=( equals )mother. My mother was a maker and teacher of kimonos. Our house was a kimono making schoo…

Creative Writing

mainichi.jp Where is the diamond? Who stole it? One week after the diamond was stolen, a man who had the 50 carat loose diamond was arrested at Haneda airport just before he escaped to XX. He was a cleaning staff at Pacifico Yokohama. Last…


The reasons why I started playing golf I have started golfing since I moved to XX this September. Firstly, golfing can promote both mental and physical health. We walk a long distance in fresh air thinking about how to hit a ball to the ta…

Could you please 〜?

丁寧な言い方はどんな時でも心がけたいですね。 英語で丁寧な言い方、絶対に相手を不快にさせない言い方ー「〜してくれませんか?」は、Could you please 〜?で言ってみましょう。 Could you 〜please? と、センテンスの最後にpleaseを入れても良いです。 …


The reasons why I study English Firstly, I felt miserable when I was 22 years old. I went to Italy with my friend for 10 days. She had lived in London for about 10 years, so she spoke English very well. She talked to staffs anytime anywher…